OScar project. a dream of an open car .

I like open source products so much even I'm not a programmer but i like the idea itself which means that several people around the glob cooperated to produce a genius thing all of this out of expressing their identity that they want to make difference or they want to be positive and creative humans. Linux and Firefox built by hundreds of volunteers who, finally, served the humanity by providing strong, free and new software which served researchers, engineers, teachers, developers .....etc. Also The open Content like Wiki Pedia where we can find any information about almost anything we want to know about.
But in hard ware world this trend seems not workable at the first sight, at least for me, till i found a german guy started a project in 1999 called OScar project which goal is to develop and build a car according to open-source (OS) principles. the guy called Markus Merz who is the son of Bavarian farmers. He studied agricultural sciences, before going to work for a nearby automotive plant, first as a production-line worker, then in communications, marketing, and new media.
The project swung several years till 2004 when it reach to be ruled by rules controlling the project elements. Merz he believes in the right to mobility for everyone.
they say about the idea ".
Currently, about 110 people from all over the world are involved with the OScar project, around the core team of three (and surrounded by another 1,000 or so who registered on the site but aren't playing an active role—yet, at least)
The idea behind the OScar project is simple: A community of people plans and develops a new car in the web. The idea is about the goal to develop a simple and innovative car, but also about the way how this goal is achieved. We would like to convey the idea of Open Source to “hardware” and we want OScar to be the precursor for many different projects in this field."
Actually The idea is great and whether it will succeed or not. but its an initiative to a new open sourced world where many people from many regions in the world share in the development of their own world by their own ideas.
Actually The idea is great and whether it will succeed or not. but its an initiative to a new open sourced world where many people from many regions in the world share in the development of their own world by their own ideas.
For more you can see : Buseniss week
Oscar project
Oscar project
It is all about "FREEDOM" pal,
But I seem to have a very active competitor right now :)
I will atch my bak as you are around :)
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