Friday, March 09, 2007

Delete some porn !!

While i was digging around, surfing Digg, i found a weird story that tells that The technology research firm IDC published a report sought to calculate the global volume of our data which includes photos, E-mails, music, videos, instant messages, spreadsheets, and all other stuff we have on our hard drives, internet etc...
IDC determines in the report that the world generated 161 billion gigabytes last year!. So, an idea jumped into my head to manipulate the
Low Disk Space balloon. Isn't it a good Idea to delete some porn! at least we will free some space for better stuff


Blogger مُصْعَب إِبْرَاهِيم said...

if(yourComputerHasPorn && youAreRunningOutOfSpace) {
}else (yourComputerHasNoPorn && youAreRunningOutOfSpace){
}else (yourComputerHasNoPorn && youHave Space) {

6:27 PM  

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