Liberty and my Laptop
I remember when Brad Pitt was saying in fight club "The things you own, they end up owning you." . He was talking about modern life and you go mad by getting things till these things own you generally sometimes we feel that money own, us control us.We do murders for the sake of money. I'm not going to that extreme anyway but what I'm trying to tell that that thing called computer control a huge portion of human beings and you can find me in that crowd. last week i bought a Laptop in order to find the thing, that life will be harder without, wherever i go.
Sixteen years passed since the first time i touched a keyboard and till now i enjoy pressing its keys and i adore the keys sound. Nowadays I stay on computer about 12 hours per day. but the main problem faced me in last two years i lost my full freedom to use my computer. its hard to use it away of people. it became hard to work, watch a movie, etc.. which i enjoyed much before. so i decided to buy a laptop. my new laptop is Fujitsu Siemens by which i can work, learn, blog, watch movies, listen to music, ... etc anytime and in anywhere. no more eyes watch what i'm doing . no more sounds or voices will annoy me. all what i can say now EL HAMD LELAH (Thank you Allah). Maybe Brad Pitt's words were right but whatever! i have my computer with me wherever i go and this is a pure meaning of freedom.

here is The first Apple Computer machine designed to be used on the go was the 1989 Macintosh Portable
Sixteen years passed since the first time i touched a keyboard and till now i enjoy pressing its keys and i adore the keys sound. Nowadays I stay on computer about 12 hours per day. but the main problem faced me in last two years i lost my full freedom to use my computer. its hard to use it away of people. it became hard to work, watch a movie, etc.. which i enjoyed much before. so i decided to buy a laptop. my new laptop is Fujitsu Siemens by which i can work, learn, blog, watch movies, listen to music, ... etc anytime and in anywhere. no more eyes watch what i'm doing . no more sounds or voices will annoy me. all what i can say now EL HAMD LELAH (Thank you Allah). Maybe Brad Pitt's words were right but whatever! i have my computer with me wherever i go and this is a pure meaning of freedom.

here is The first Apple Computer machine designed to be used on the go was the 1989 Macintosh Portable
Labels: Brad Pitt, Fujitsu Siemens, Laptop, Liberty
Well, congrats on the laptop! You made an excellent choice getting a Fujitsu Siemens. They do end up controlling you, but after all, they're usually so loyal (especially if they're of good quality) you become obsessed with them as if they're your own children. I mean, I had trouble convincing my father to let me drive for two years and breakthrough (incident when he left me the car for the first time) was when my laptop wasn't working and I had to take it to my cousin RIGHT NOW (the only person I trust when it comes to computers.. not even the sole agent!) AND I HAD TO TAKE IT OVER ON THE SPOT! He knew he couldn't argue...
Even though it could've waited till the morning or the weekend or sometime when I didn't have to barge into someone's house without really checking if I'm welcome.
Enjoy your freedom! :)
P.S. I have the uttermost respect for that movie.. and all its quotes!
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congrats fellow...
hey, did you name it?
I named mine "artie", and I love it as if it was a kid of mine
This is the frist time to put my comment in your Blog congratulation for you new friend (laptop) by the way my girl friend (my car) called fozdokaaaa
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