Monday, March 19, 2007

the photo speaks

This channel-bridge is over the River Elbe and joins the former East and West Germany It is located in the city of Magdeburg, near Berlin. it took six years and 500 million euros. this bridge build as a unification symbol between the former east and west Germany. forget about the war's rubble. as we see failure has no justification. remember that Germany destroyed twice but now!! the photo speaks.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Delete some porn !!

While i was digging around, surfing Digg, i found a weird story that tells that The technology research firm IDC published a report sought to calculate the global volume of our data which includes photos, E-mails, music, videos, instant messages, spreadsheets, and all other stuff we have on our hard drives, internet etc...
IDC determines in the report that the world generated 161 billion gigabytes last year!. So, an idea jumped into my head to manipulate the
Low Disk Space balloon. Isn't it a good Idea to delete some porn! at least we will free some space for better stuff

Thursday, March 01, 2007

What do i read

Another tag from Mos3ab it says :-
"Open the book u read nowadays on page 123 then count 6 rows then write the 7th,8th and 9th row"
Interesting huh??
well here is my answer:

A collective stories book for F.Dostoyevsky's and the story called Faint Heart
"While her mamma kept saying that her heart was telling her quite the opposite, that he was sure to come, that he wouldn't be able to stay away, that he would come running,that no one had any office duties at that hour, on new years eve, too! and when Lizanka went to open the front door, even then she did not expect to see them-she could not leave her eyes, she was breathless, her heart fluttered suddenly like a capture little bird's, she blushed all over, she grew red like a cherry, which she resembled awfully .Good lord , what a surprise !
what a joyful "Oh!" escaped her lips! "you faithless one! Your Darling!"she cried.flinging her arms around Vasya's neck."

I pass this Tag to


عمنا العبقري مصعب كان بعتلي تاج بيقول - افتح الكتاب اللي بتقراه دلوقتي على صفحة 123 وعد خمس سطور واكتب أول تلاتة بعدهم

الكتاب الي بقرأه اليومين دول هو كتاب لقصص مجمعه من قصص الروائي الروسي العظيم فيدور ديستوفيسكي

القصه القصيره اسمها قلب ضعي

"و بينما كانت امها دائما تقول ان قلبها متاكد من انه سوف يأتي وانه لن يستطيع ان يبقى بعيدا وانه سوف ياتي راكضا ذلك ايضا لانه لا يوجد عمل في هذه الساعه من ليلة راس السنه. و عندما ذهبت لتفتح الباب لم تستطع ان ترفع عيناها عن الباب بالرغم من انها لم تكن تتوقع ان تراهم ، فكانت تنظر الى الباب و هي لاهثه و كان قلبها يرفرف كاطائر صغير قع فريسه و قد احمر و جهها و اصبح مثل ثمرة اللكريز. يا الهي ياللمفاجاة ، و يالها من "صرخة مرحة هربت من بين شفتيها، "يالك من خائن"و قد دفعت ذراعيها لتعانق فازيا". كم احب دستويفسكي